Not my circus, not my tigers


BEN TROVATO – Durban Poison

An open letter to Brian Boswell

Dear Brian,

I have been meaning to write to you for years to thank you for helping make my childhood such a happy one. Back then, of course, you were known as Boswell Wilkie Circus. Now you are simply Brian Boswell’s Circus. Did you feed Wilkie to the lions? I hope so. Never liked the man. Never met him, of course, but in this country that’s no reason not to hate someone.

I have fond memories of going to the circus in Durban with my family. Dad would buy a ticket and then, once inside, he’d use his diving knife to cut a hole in the canvas at the back of the stands. The rest of us would wriggle through and go straight to the front. In those days nobody argued with a white man. Especially not if he was carrying a six-pack of…

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